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From Arrival to Integration: Building communities for refugees and for Britain

Back in March 2024 the Commission on the Integration of Refugees revealed their findings and recommendations and called for a new deal for refugee integration that works for refugees and wider British society.

Several of the team at Brushstrokes Sandwell (one of our lead orgs) and their service users shared their experience and views on what has helped/would help refugees’ integration for this report. They were also able to share the importance of creating opportunities for volunteering as a way to develop skills and experience whilst people are waiting in the asylum system.

It’s a really strong example of how we are supporting those with lived experience of migration to engage with and contribute to policy and consultations on the real issues which affect their lives. The recommendation to enable asylum seekers to access ESOL from the time they arrive in the UK and a focus on employment support and allowing asylum seekers to work after they have been in the UK for 6 months are really positive.

The Commission visited Brushstrokes in November 2022, with Assayed and Ethel from their service user panel taking part in the Commission hearings. Brushstrokes provided evidence and supports the recommendations of the report – especially linked to the need for access to English language classes and access to employment support.

Assayed is a refugee doctor who went through Brushstrokes Occupational English Test (OET), worked with Brushstrokes and is now working at a GP practice in Birmingham. To work as a doctor in the UK Assayed needed to demonstrate a high level of English Language and pass specific tests requiring expensive classes. Thanks to local integration project Brushstrokes and its partnership with Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust he was able to achieve this for free.

Read more on the report, From Arrival to Integration: Building communities for refugees and for Britain, here